Bishop's weed (Ammi majus) has been known to induce toxic phytophotodermati
tis. We now describe IgE-mediated rhinitis and contact urticaria caused by
exposure to bishop's weed in a 31-year-old atopic female florist. A skin pr
ick-prick test with bishop's weed flowers gave an 8-mm wheal, and the bisho
p's weed-specific IgE level in the patient's serum was 9.7 PRU/ml (RAST cla
ss 3). In an immunoblotting experiment with the patient's serum, nine IgE-b
inding protein bands with the molecular weights 19, 34, 39-41 (doublet), 52
-61 (doublet), and >67 (triplet) kDa were detected in bishop's weed extract
. The patient became symptomless after she had ceased to work as a florist.