Two-dimensional spectroscopy of the central 24 " x 20 " of the Seyfert 2 ga
laxy NGC 1068 has been obtained using a fiber-optic system (2D-FIS). The ho
mogeneity, spectral coverage (similar to 4170-5749 and 6250-9469 Angstrom),
and spatial (similar to 0." 9) and spectral resolution (similar to 1.53 An
gstrom pixel(-1) and 2.73 Angstrom pixel(-1)) of the data make them a usefu
l database with which to study in detail the kinematics and physical proper
ties of the circumnuclear region of this galaxy, as well as the active nucl
eus and host galaxy connection. The data are presented as an atlas containi
ng 570 spectra, which include over 15 emission lines and several stellar fe
atures. We have carried out a preliminary analysis of the data, deriving co
ntinua at different wavelengths and emission-line intensity maps directly f
rom the observed spectra. We have also derived the ionized velocity field f
rom different emission lines, and the stellar velocity field. Velocity disp
ersions of the stellar component have also been estimated.