The molecular mechanism underlying microtubule dynamic instability depends
on the relationship between the addition of tubulin-GTP to a growing microt
ubule and its hydrolysis in the microtubule lattice to tubulin-GDP, with re
lease of inorganic phosphate (P-i). Since this relationship remains controv
ersial, we have re-examined the release of P-i upon microtubule assembly us
ing a fluorometric assay for P-i, based on the phosphate-binding protein of
Escherichia coli [Brune M., Hunter, J. L., Corrie, J. E. T., and Webb, M.
R. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 8262-8271]. Microtubule assembly and Pi release
were monitored simultaneously in a standard fluorimeter as an increase in t
he turbidity and fluorescence, respectively, in tubulin-GTP solutions assem
bled under conditions supporting dynamic instability. At the steady state o
f assembly, P-i release is nonlinear with respect to time, proceeding at a
rate determined by the following: (a) the intrinsic GTPase activity of the
nonpolymerized tubulin-GTP, and (b) the microtubule number concentration, w
hich decreases progressively. Direct observation of the time course of nucl
eated microtubule assembly indicates that P-i release is closely coupled to
microtubule elongation, even during the initial stages of assembly when un
coupling of tubulin-CTP addition and GTP hydrolysis would be most evident.
Studies of the inhibition and reversal of the growth phase by cytostatic dr
ugs show no evidence of a burst of P-i release. We conclude that nucleotide
hydrolysis can keep pace with tubulin-GTP addition rates of 200 molecules
per second per microtubule and that extended caps of tubulin-GTP or tubulin
-GDP-P-i are not generated in normal assembly, nor are they required to sta
bilize growing microtubules or to support the phenomenon of dynamic instabi
lity of microtubules at the steady state.