Background: Schizoaffective disorder is one of the most severe of the affec
tive psychoses, but its pathophysiology is poorly understood, Because cereb
ral lateralization may be disturbed in psychotic disorders generally, studi
es examining cerebral asymmetry may improve understanding of the neurobiolo
gy specific to schizoaffective disorder. This study examines cerebral later
alization in this patient population using magnetic source localization.
Methods: We studied 16 subjects with schizoaffective disorder and 16 contro
ls. Magnetic source localization was used to identify the location of the 2
0 msec latency somatosensory evoked field component (M20),
Results: In control subjects, the source location was further anterior in t
he right hemisphere, The subjects with schizoaffective disorder were revers
e lateralized,
Conclusions: The findings of a reversed asymmetry of the M20 in patients wi
th schizoaffective disorder suggest an anatomical shift in the placement of
the post central gyrus in this disorder, compatible with a disorder of cer
ebral lateralization. Whether this finding converges or diverges with measu
rement of the M20 in other psychotic disorders will require further investi
gation (C) 1999 Society of Biological Psychiatry.