Thrombopoietin (TPO) regulates megakaryopoiesis and platelet production. In
the adult, TPO is mainly produced by the liver and the kidneys. This study
focuses on fetal and neonatal TPO mRNA expression. In 26 human fetuses and
preterm neonates, samples from liver, kidney, spleen, lung, and bone marro
w were extracted for total RNA. We measured platelet counts, TPO serum conc
entrations by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and TPO mRNA contents by r
everse transcription/competitive polymerase chain reaction. TPO mRNA concen
trations per microgram total RNA were similar in liver, spleen, and bone ma
rrow, slightly lower in kidney, and significantly lower in lung. When relat
ed to gram tissue, TPO mRNA levels were highest in the liver. Considering t
he total amount of TPO mRNA produced in liver, kidney, and spleen, the live
r accounted for 95.3%. No correlations between TPO mRNA expression and seru
m TPO concentration, blood platelet count, or gestational age were observed
. In conclusion, the liver is the primary site of TPO gene expression in hu
man fetuses and neonates. The spleen may contribute to TPO production durin
g fetal life. Like in the adult, TPO mRNA is expressed in fetal bone marrow
. (C) 1999 by The American Society of Hematology.