We describe the prevalence and nature of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in
58 children affected by cerebral palsy (range: from 6 months to 12 years of
age) referred to a pediatric neurology outpatient clinic.
In each patient we assessed (GI) symptoms and defined the associated GI fun
ctional or structural abnormalities. Furthermore, we tried to correlate the
type of GI dysfunction with findings on computed tomography (CT) or magnet
ic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Our results showed that 92% of chi
ldren with cerebral palsy had clinically significant gastrointestinal sympt
oms. Swallowing disorders were present in 60% of patients, regurgitation an
d/or vomiting in 32%, abdominal pain in 32%, episodes of chronic pulmonary
aspiration in 41% and chronic constipation in 74%. Dysfunction of the oral
and/or pharyngeal phase of swallowing was found in 28 of 30 (93%) patients
with swallowing disorders. Of the 45 patients with symptoms suggesting gast
roesophageal reflux, 41 (91%) had an abnormal pH-monitoring and/or esophagi
tis. Furthermore, a significant delay in the scintigraphic gastric emptying
of liquids was found in 12 of 18 patients (67%) and an abnormal esophageal
motility in 11 of the 18 (61%) investigated patients. In 25 patients with
chronic constipation evaluation of colonic transit showed a delay at level
of the proximal segments of the colon in 13 (52%), at level of the left col
on and rectum in 9 (36%) and in 3 (12%) at level of the rectum only. Comput
ed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging were normal in 5 (9%) and a
bnormal in 53 (91%) of the 58 children with cerebral palsy. No GI symptom w
as significantly associated with any kind of abnormal neuroimaging.
In conclusion, children with cerebral palsy exhibited diffuse GI clinical m
anifestations, mostly due to disorders of GI motility. The GI symptoms seem
ed not to be related to any specific finding on CT or MRI of the brain. (C)
1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.