One of the three broad goals of Healthy People 2000 is that preventive
services will be available to all Americans, Although there is profes
sional agreement on the merits of prevention, there are challenges rel
ated to implementing preventive health care, Six of these challenges a
re confusion in terminology, issues related to nursing autonomy and in
itiative, differing conceptual frameworks, complexity of coordination
within a delivery system that does not reward preventive services, pre
valent cultural beliefs, and lack of uniform recommendations regarding
prevention, The Put Prevention into Practice (PPIP) program is a nati
onal strategy to address those challenges. The American Nurses Associa
tion and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners contributed to th
e development of the PPIP program, These organizations are actively di
sseminating the information through train-the-trainer methodology and
other educational programs that will prepare nurses to improve the hea
lth of the population through the provision of preventive health servi