The distribution of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens on three species of tr
ees (Quercus ilex, Quercus cerrus and Fagus sylvatica, representing the for
est ecosystems of central Italy at low, medium and high elevations, respect
ively) was examined with respect to host specificity and habitat difference
s. Although most species were host-specific, the results suggested that hab
itat characteristics are more important than phorophyte properties in deter
mining the distribution of lichens and bryophytes. Factors affecting the di
versity of the epiphytic flora were different for Lichens and bryophytes. I
n the case of lichens, climatic parameters and forest monospecificity were
important factors, whereas tree cover (i.e. shade) and to a certain extent
the number of available trees seemed more important for bryophytes. (C) ADA
C / Elsevier, Paris.