The statin trials in secondary and primary prevention have shown that lower
ing LDL cholesterol produces a reduction in coronary event rates of around
35%. The wrest common dyslipidaemia in hll survivors is mixed hyperlipidaem
ia rather than hypercholesterolaemia. New evidence from VA-HIT and BIPS sug
gests that relatively low levels of triglyceride may be associated with a s
ignificant increase in coronary risk. In patients with established coronary
disease, treatment with a fibrate that lowers triglyceride and raises HDL
cholesterol, but which has little effect on LDL cholesterol, slows the rate
of progression of coronary lesions. In hypertriglyceridaemic patients who
have survived an MI or who have angina pectoris, fibrate treatment reduced
the incidence of fatal and non-fatal MI by 40% (p = 0.03) (BIPS). lit patie
nts with coronary artery disease, who have low levels of HDL, fibrate treat
ment reduced the incidence of fatal and non-fatal MI by 22 % (p = 0.006) (V
A-HIT). These patients represent around 25 % of the post-MI population Work
in progress will shortly define the effect of fibrate treatment on coronar
y event rate in patients with peripheral vascular disease and Type 2 diabet