Different methods are available for rapid assessment of renal function usin
g the patient's serum creatinine concentration and body weight without obta
ining urine collection over 24 hr. However, the reliability of these method
s in patients with liver diseases has not been established. The purpose of
this study was to determine the accuracy and precision of the estimated cre
atinine clearances obtained by the methods of Cockcroft-Gault, Jelliffe, Ma
wer, and Siersbaek-Nielsen in patients with liver diseases who have differe
nt degrees of renal function. Creatinine clearances obtained from 24-hr uri
ne collection were used as the standard. The different methods for rapid re
nal function estimation had limited accuracy and reliability in patients wi
th severe liver dysfunction (Child-Pugh class C) and also in those with cre
atinine clearances of less than 60 ml/min. Creatinine clearances were overe
stimated by about 40-100%. Using lean body weights, instead of total body w
eights, reduced the prediction errors. In patients with mild liver dysfunct
ion (Child-Pugh class A), all four estimation methods provided reasonable e
stimation of the creatinine clearances.