A study was conducted during kharif 1995 to estimate the relative importanc
e of additive, dominance and epistatic gene effects in the inheritance of p
od characteristics in 4 groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crosses at the Univ
ersity, Anand. Most of the pod and seed characters were governed by additiv
e genetic effects in crosses between spanish bunch and virginia runner ('Ch
ico' x 'JSP 23' 'Chico' x 'GG 11'). In spanish bunch and virginia bunch cro
ss ('Chico' x 'TMV 10') pod length and pod width were governed by additive
gene effects while 10-pod weight, 100-kernel weight and shelling out-turn w
ere governed by duplicate type of epistasis. In cross between 2 spanish bun
ch parents all the other traits barring 10-pod weight and 100-kernel weight
were governed by additive and additive x additive type of gene effects. In
all the crosses except 'Chico' x 'TMV 10' selection for pod and seed chara
cters can be practiced following pedigree method of breeding.