A quantum mechanical model for an (N + I)-dimensional universe arising from
a quantum fluctuation is outlined. (3 + I) dimensions are a closed, infini
tely expanding universe, and the remaining N - 3 dimensions are compact, Th
e (3 + I)noncompact dimensions are modeled by quantizing a canonical Hamilt
onian description of a homogeneous isotropic universe. It is assumed that g
ravity and the strong-electroweak (SEW) force had equal strengths in the in
itial state. Inflation occurred when the compact (N - 3)-dimensional space
collapsed after a quantum transition from the initial state of the universe
during its evolution to the present state where gravity is much weaker tha
n the SEW force. The model suggests the universe has no singularities and t
he large size of our present universe is determined by the relative strengt
h of gravity and the SEW force today. A small cosmological constant, result
ing from the zero-point energy of the scalar field corresponding to the com
pact dimensions, makes the model universe expand forever.