Introduction: The circuitry underlying AV nodal reentry remains debated. We
developed a model of AV nodal reentry and assessed the role of nodal input
s, compact node, and its posterior nodal extension (PNE) in this phenomenon
Methods and Results: A fine scanning of short coupling interval range with
an atrial premature beat consistently initiated slow-fast AV nodal reentran
t beats that occurred 37 +/- 31 msec (mean +/- SD) after His-bundle activat
ion in 11 of 16 consecutive rabbit heart preparations. The repeated testing
(>40 times) of a chosen coupling interval within reentry window (6 +/- 9 m
sec, n = 11) yielded reentrant intervals that varied by 2 +/- 1 msec (mean
SD for 40 beats +/- SD, n = 11). The breakthrough point of reentrant activa
tion, as assessed from four perinodal sites, varied in different preparatio
ns from diffuse (4) to anterior (1), medial (3), or posterior (3); mean ree
ntrant interval did not differ between perinodal sites. Antegrade perinodal
activation pattern did not differ at reentrant versus nonreentrant couplin
g intervals and thus was not a primary determinant of reentry. A PNE ablati
on (n = 4) interrupted the slow pathway conduction and prevented reentry wi
thout affecting antegrade perinodal activation or fast pathway conduction.
Conclusion: A reproducible model of AV nodal reentrant beats was developed
and used to study underlying circuitry. The AV nodal reentry involves unalt
ered antegrade perinodal activation, slow PNE conduction and retrograde bro
ad invasion of perinodal tissues starting at a preparation-dependent breakt
hrough point. A PNE ablation abolishes the reentry.