Triadic and dyadic approaches to construct elicitation are common in the pe
rsonal construct literature. Little research has been devoted to comparing
the two approaches, particularly, in terms of the kinds of constructs elici
ted by each approach. Twenty-four participants completed repertory grids (8
common elements and 12 elicited constructs) using dyadic and triadic metho
ds for. eliciting constructs. Methods of elicitation were counterbalanced U
pon completion of each grid, participants were ashed to rate the salience o
f each construct. Elicitation types were compared in terms of construct org
anization, structure and content of constructs. Some differences were found
in construct organization measures. Findings also indicated a greater vari
ation in construct type using triadic method. The implications of these met
hod-dependent differences in elicitation of constructs are discussed.