Currently available direct-filling composite resins are susceptible to frac
ture and hence are not recommended for use in large stress-bearing posterio
r restorations involving cusps. The glass fillers in composites provide onl
y limited reinforcement because of the brittleness and low strength of glas
s. The aim of the present study was to use ceramic single-crystalline whisk
ers as fillers to reinforce composites, and to investigate the effect of wh
isker filler level on composite properties. Silica particles were fused ont
o the whiskers to facilitate silanization and to roughen the whiskers, ther
eby improving retention in the matrix. The composite flexural strength, ela
stic modulus, hardness, and degree of polymerization conversion were measur
ed as a function of whisker filler mass fraction, which ranged from 0% to 7
0%. Selected composites were polished simulating clinical procedures, and t
he surface roughness was measured with profilometry. The whisker composite
with a filler mass fraction of 55% had a flexural strength (mean +/-SD; n =
6) of 196 +/- 10 MPa, significantly higher than 83 +/- 14 MPa of a microfi
ll and 120 +/- 16 MPa of a hybrid composite control (family confidence coef
ficient = 0.95; Tukey's multiple comparison). The composite modulus and har
dness increased monotonically with filler level. The flexural strength firs
t increased, then plateaued with increasing filler level. The degree of con
version decreased with, increasing filler level. The whisker composite had
a polished surface roughness similar to that of a conventional hybrid compo
site (p > 0.1; Student's t). To conclude, ceramic whisker reinforcement can
significantly improve the mechanical properties of composite resins;the wh
isker filler level plays a key role in determining composite properties; an
d the reinforcement mechanisms appear to be crack pinning by whiskers and f
riction from whisker pullout resisting crack propagation.