Schools are identified as a key setting for health promotion in the UK Gove
rnment's consultation report on the public health strategy for England. The
concept of the 'healthy' or 'health promoting school' provides the basis f
or a broad settings approach to health promotion in schools. The approach e
xtends beyond the formal health education curriculum to include a considera
tion of the physical and social environment of schools and their links and
partnerships with parents and the wider community, in pursuit of better hea
lth. There is growing evidence that the health promoting school approach is
effective in influencing outcomes related to health and education. Initiat
ives in the form of projects and schemes are commonly used by Health Promot
ion Specialist services and health partnerships, to stimulate and support t
he adoption of the approach by schools. A national healthy school scheme is
to be launched alongside these local initiatives in 1999. The paper review
s research and practice in this area and makes recommendations to inform th
e future development of schools as health promoting organizations.