The high temperature behavior of a sol-gel derived silicon oxycarbide glass
containing 12 at.% carbon has been characterized by means of creep and in-
situ ultrasonic echography measurements. Temperature induced changes includ
e structural relaxation and densification from 1000 to 1200 degrees C, and
crystallization to form a fine and homogeneous beta-SiC/glass-matrix nanoco
mposite with 2.5 nm large crystals above 1200 degrees C. Young's modulus me
asurements clearly reveal a consolidation of the material upon annealing be
low 1200 degrees C. Crystallization is almost complete after few hours at 1
300 degrees C and results in a significant increase in Young's modulus. The
viscosity of the oxycarbide glass is much higher than that of fused silica
, with two orders of magnitude difference at 1200 degrees C, and the glass
transition temperature ranges from 1320 to 1370 degrees C.