In rocks that are polydeformed an approach which separates faults prior to
stress inversion is more appropriate. The traditional stress inversion appr
oach involving the concept of the best-Jit stress tensor, e.g. a tensor whi
ch minimises the misfit between calculated and measured fault-striae data,
often risks computing artificial stress tensors that are some form of avera
ge of mixed sets of real stress tensors. A new approach is proposed in whic
h fault data are pre-processed to group the faults on the basis of their re
sponse to all possible orientations and magnitudes of applied stress. A com
puter method is described which utilises cluster analysis based on the righ
t-dihedra method to divide dynamically-mixed fault populations to monophase
subsets. This division is based on the ranked similarity coefficients of e
ach fault pair from the raw data set. The data clusters form dynamically-ho
mogeneous subsets, which are used for the composite right-dihedra solution.
This solution is re-computed for the reduced stress tensor defined by the
orientation of principal stress axes and the ratio of their magnitudes. (C)
1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.