Various kinds of solid materials containing lignin were obtained by fractio
nation (autohydrolysis and organosolvolysis) of corn (Zea mays) stalks. The
se materials were further ozonated in order to observe the behaviour of the
ir constituent polymers, particular attention being paid to lignin, and the
evolution of the water soluble reaction products during oxidation. An opti
mal moisture content for these materials of 60% was found, which led to the
highest degree of solubilization during ozone treatment. Results indicate
that lignin is the most severely affected polymer, followed by hemicellulos
es and finally by cellulose. The ozonation of autohydrolyzed material invol
ved its gradual delignification, the elimination of lignin being more easy
at the beginning of the reaction than at the end. The following acids were
identified by GC/MS and injection of standards in GC/FID: glycolic, oxalic,
malonic, glyoxylic, glyceric, p-hydroxybenzoic and malic. In addition, p-h
ydroxybenzaldehyde and vanillin were also identified. During the ozonation
of lignin-containing lignocellulosic materials in moistened solid stale, oz
one rapidly oxidized the initially generated oxyaromatics and transformed t
hem into short chain aliphatic carboxylic acids.