Differentially rotating, 'advection-dominated' accretion flows are consider
ed in which the heat generated by viscous dissipation is retained in the fl
uid. The equations of time-dependent quasi-spherical accretion are solved i
n a simplified one-dimensional model that neglects the latitudinal dependen
ce of the flow. A self-similar solution is presented that has finite size,
mass, angular momentum and energy. This may be expected to be an attractor
for the initial-value problem in which a cool and narrow ring of fluid orbi
ting around a central mass heats up, spreads radially and is accreted. The
solution provides some insight into the dynamics of quasi-spherical accreti
on and avoids many of the strictures of the steady self-similar solution of
Narayan & Tr. Special attention is given to the astrophysically important
case in which the adiabatic exponent gamma = 5/3; even in this case, the fl
ow is found to be differentially rotating and bound to the central object,
and accretion can occur without the need for powerful outflows.