Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering plant that serves as the major mo
del system in plant molecular genetics'. The efforts of many scientists hav
e produced genetic maps that provide extensive coverage of the genome (http
://genome-www.stanford.edulArabidopsis/maps.html). Recently, detailed YAC,
BAG, P1 and cosmid-based physical maps (that is, representations of genomic
regions as sets of overlapping clones of corresponding libraries) have bee
n established that extend over wide genomic areas ranging from several hund
reds of kilobases(2,3) to entire chromosome(4-9). These maps provide an ent
ry to gain deeper insight into the A. thaliana genome structure. A. thalian
a has been chosen as the subject of the first large-scale project intended
to determine the full genome sequence of a plant(10). This sequencing proje
ct, together with the increasing interest in map-based gene cloning, has hi
ghlighted the requirement for a complete and accurate physical map of this
plant species. To supply the scientific community with a high-quality resou
rce, we present here a complete physical map of A. thaliana using essential
ly the IGF BAC library(11) The map consists of 27 contigs that cover the en
tire genome, except for the presumptive centromeric regions, nucleolar orga
nization regions (NOR) and telomeric areas. This is the first reported map
of a complex organism based entirely on BAC clones and it represents the mo
st homogeneous and complete physical map established to date for any plant
genome. Furthermore, the analysis performed here serves as a model for an e
fficient physical mapping procedure using BAC clones that can be applied to
other complex genomes.