The aim of the present study was to investigate whether changes in brain S-
HT concentrations affect the expression of BDNF mRNA in rat brain. Brain 5-
HT concentration in the rat was elevated by combined treatment with tranylc
ypromine and L-tryptophan, tranylcypromine alone, by a single dose of the 5
-HT releasing agent p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) or by the selective 5-HT reup
take inhibitor paroxetine. 5-HT was depleted by either multiple p-chlorophe
nylalanine (pCPA) or PCA injections. The extent of 5-HT depletion following
pCPA or PCA was monitored using 5-HT immunocytochemistry. BDNF mRNA abunda
nce in treated rats and the corresponding vehicle injected control rats was
studied by in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH). Two hours after th
e combined administration of tranylcypromine and L-tryptophan BDNF mRNA abu
ndance in the dentate gyrus was significantly decreased but increased in th
e frontal cortex. Tranylcypromine alone or a single injection of PCA had si
milar effects on BDNF mRNA expression to the combination of tranylcypromine
and L-tryptophan, i.e. they caused significant reductions of BDNF mRNA exp
ression in dentate gyrus and increased it in frontal cortex. Paroxetine als
o reduced BDNF mRNA in DG but was without effect in frontal cortex. Multipl
e injections of both pCPA or PCA resulted in marked reductions of 5-HT immu
noreactive axons in the hippocampus, pCPA being more effective. Both drugs
significantly increased BDNF mRNA abundances in the dentate gyrus. Multiple
PCA injections also increased BDNF mRNA expression in parietal cortex, whi
le pCPA induced 5-HT depletion was ineffective. These results suggests that
5-HT modulates BDNF mRNA levels in rat brain. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Lt
d. All rights reserved.