The spatial distribution of cortical neural clusters activated during movem
ent of either hand ('bilateral' population), or only of one hand, was inves
tigated in healthy right-handed volunteers performing a sequential finger o
pposition task, using echo-planar functional magnetic resonance imaging. 'B
ilateral' clusters were found in the mesial premotor, perirolandic and adja
cent lateral premotor cortex of the two hemispheres, and in the left superi
or parietal lobule. In the precentral gyrus, their spatial extent was large
r on the left hemisphere. Clusters activated exclusively during contralater
al finger movements were equally distributed in the left and right perirola
ndic cortex. No cluster activated exclusively during ipsilateral finger mov
ements was detected. These findings support a role of the motor/lateral pre
motor cortex of the dominant hemisphere in bilateral motor control. (C) 199
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