Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is a serious nutritional problem in hospi
talized elderly patients. Serum albumin, transthyretin (prealbumin), and to
tal protein have been used as biochemical indicators of protein nutritional
status, but taking blood from the elderly is difficult and invasive. We th
erefore assessed the possibility of using saliva or urine as noninvasive ma
terials to estimate serum concentrations of albumin, transthyretin and tota
l protein. Blood, saliva and urine were collected from 32 hospitalized elde
rly (aged 68-97 y) and the correlation between the concentrations of albumi
n, transthyretin and total protein in serum and those in saliva or urine we
re evaluated. There was no correlation among them, but the concentrations o
f albumin and transthyretin adjusted for the concentration of IgG in saliva
were significantly correlated with the concentrations of albumin and trans
thyretin in serum (albumin: R-2 = 0.308, p = 0.0010, transthyretin: R-2 = 0
.433, p < 0.0001 by log linear regression analysis). This study suggests th
e possible usefulness of the concentrations of proteins in the fluids for e
valuating protein nutritional status in the elderly. Further studies on the
method of adjustment of protein concentrations in saliva and the adaptabil
ity to other populations will confirm the results of this study. (C) 1999 E
lsevier Science Inc.