The relationship between stock prices and real estate prices has been the s
ubject of substantial debate in both the academic and practitioner literatu
res. Existing studies have focused on the time series of stock and real est
ate returns using data from a single country, such as the U.S. By necessity
, these studies examine return and price changes over short intervals, crea
ting a bias when property values are smoothed from year to year. Using data
from 17 different countries over 14 years, this paper examines the relatio
n between stock returns and changes in property values and rents. Consisten
t with other country-specific studies, we find that, with the exception of
Japan, the contemporaneous relation between yearly real estate price change
s and stock returns is not statistically significant. However, when the dat
a are pooled across countries and when we look at longer measurement interv
als, a significant relation between stock returns and both rents and value
changes becomes apparent. Real estate prices are also found to be significa
ntly influenced by GDP growth rates and provide a good long-term hedge agai
nst inflation but a poor year-to-year hedge.