We expand the QCD gluon field Ba around a constant ''pure gauge'' solu
tion N-mu(a) in the IR sector, i.e. B-mu(a)(X) = N(mu)a + A(mu)(a)(x)
and provide a mathematical definition for an ''IR limit'' in which the
frequencies of the fluctuating field A(mu)(a) (x) vanish. We prove th
at in this limit, SU(3)(color) garmations become equivalent to space-t
ime diffeomorphisms. A gravity-like contribution is then shown to emer
ge from the overall ''n-gluon exchange'' component in the expansion of
the generating functional of QCD Green functions, with the two-gluon
term acting like the metric field in gravity. This QCD-induced 'Lchrcm
ogravity'' provides an effective long range action, i.e. longer-ranged
than the contribution of quark-antiquark (meson) exchanges. We conjec
ture chromogravity to be responsible for many of the features of the h
adron spectrum and of color confinement, issues for which there is as
yet no proof in QCD (including lattice calculations), beyond general q
ualitative arguments. The method exhibits a smooth transition to the p
erturbative and semiperturbative treatment of high energy hadron scatt
ering, including the emergence of the Pomeranchuk trajectory.