The author considers that the "New Age movement" and the "World of the Spir
itual" (so called in Japan) are distinct although similar phenomena which s
hould be grouped together under a common term: New Spirituality Movements a
nd Culture (NSMC). "Movements" embraces various types of "New Age" and "Wor
ld of the Spiritual" groups and can also include other groups with common c
haracteristics. The word "spirituality" is used because many people in the
movements consider that they belong to a new age of "spirituality" that is
to follow the age of "religion" as if comes to an end. But many adherents d
o not like to take part in collective actions. This individualistic inclina
tion sometimes justifies classifying the phenomenon as a "culture" rather t
han a "movement". The term NSMC can also be considered to comprise part of
the new body of global information and culture.