When polyaniline is doped with either R- or S-camphorsulfonic acid (CSA) it
adopts a chiral structure. Removing the chiral acid dopant leads to a new
form of chiral polyaniline. Such chiral dedoped polyanilines have the abili
ty to discriminate among enantiomers of amino acids such as DL-phenylalanin
e. For example, the dedoped form of R-CSA polyaniline preferentially comple
xes with L-phenylalanine as indicated by a "doping" type absorption observe
d at similar to 450 nm in circular dichroism spectra. Since the dedoped for
m of R-CSA polyaniline does not complex with D-phenylaniline, this chiral p
olymer can be used to separate racemic mixtures of DL-phenylalanine. Moreov
er, the amino acid enantiomer bound by the chiral polyaniline can be releas
ed by an organic solvent. The chiral separation mechanism is further explor
ed by examining the interactions of phenylalanine derivatives with the chir
al dedoped polyanilines.