Superdelocalizability, S-r, defined by Fukui et al. as a variant of reactiv
ity indices in the Huckel molecular orbital scheme for conjugated hydrocarb
on molecules is reinvestigated with particular emphasis on its behavior for
infinitely large pi-electronic systems. Surprisingly: almost all the S-r v
alues of polyacetylene are found to diverge with the size of molecule, whil
e all the S-r values of comb polyene converge to certain values. Similarly,
the S-r values of linear polyacene diverge, while those of zigzag polyacen
e converge. Whether the super-delocalizability for a series of periodic pol
ymers converges or diverges can be predicted, respectively. if the density
of states of the infinitely large pi-electron network is shown to have non-
zero or zero gap at the Fermi level. The behavior of atom-atom polarizabili
ty defined by Coulson et al. is also checked and discussed.