A combinatorial approach to fully conjugated acyclic polyenes (CNHN+2) is c
onsidered with a view to the extension of standard enumeration techniques t
o treat a widened range of chemically interesting features. As a first step
, enumerations are made respecting: placement of single and double bonds, t
he occurrence of cis/trans isomers, and the degree (and type) of "radicalit
y" of such conjugated networks. As a further extension, several structural
(graph-theoretic) invariants averaged over various types of isomer classes
and subclasses are made, and then these invariants are utilized to estimate
several physicochemical properties averaged over these same classes or sub
-classes. The properties currently so considered are heats of formation, in
dices of refraction, and magnetic susceptibilities. Finally, the asymptotic
behaviors of isomer counts and isomer properties in the many-atom limit is