A large-scale model of virus transport in aquifers is derived using spectra
l perturbation analysis. The effects of spatial variability in aquifer hydr
aulic conductivity and virus transport (attachment, detachment, and inactiv
ation) parameters on large-scale virus transport are evaluated. A stochasti
c mean model of virus transport is developed by linking a simple system of
local-scale free-virus transport and attached-virus conservation equations
from the current literature with a random-field representation of aquifer a
nd virus transport properties. The resultant mean equations for free and at
tached viruses are found to differ considerably from the local-scale equati
ons on which they are based and include effects such as a free-virus effect
ive velocity that is a function of aquifer heterogeneity as well as virus t
ransport parameters. Stochastic mean free-virus breakthrough curves are com
pared with local model output in order to observe the effects of spatial va
riability on mean one-dimensional virus transport in three-dimensionally he
terogeneous porous media. Significant findings from this theoretical analys
is include the following: (1) Stochastic model breakthrough occurs earlier
than local model breakthrough, and this effect is most pronounced for the l
east conductive aquifers studied. (2) A high degree of aquifer heterogeneit
y can lead to virus breakthrough actually preceding that of a conservative
tracer. (3) As the mean hydraulic conductivity is increased, the mean model
shows less sensitivity to the variance of the natural-logarithm hydraulic
conductivity and mean virus diameter. (4) Incorporation of a heterogeneous
colloid filtration term results in higher predicted concentrations than a s
imple first-order adsorption term for a given mean attachment rate. (5) Inc
orporation of aquifer heterogeneity leads to a greater range of virus diame
ters for which significant breakthrough occurs. (6) The mean model is more
sensitive to the inactivation rate of viruses associated with solid surface
s than to the inactivation rate of viruses in solution.