The room-temperature crystal structure of the B-site ordered complex perovs
kite strontium ytterbium niobate, Sr(Yb0.5Nb0.5)O-3 [monoclinic, Z = 2, P2(
1)/n (set 2), a = 5.79095(8), b = 5.82210(7), c = 8.20358 (12) Angstrom, be
ta = 90.126 (1)degrees, with final R-wp = 0.0595, R-Bragg = 0.0203 for the
neutron profile and R-wp = 0.0832, R-Bragg = 0.0193 for the X-ray profile,
respectively], was determined by X-ray powder diffraction, high-resolution
neutron powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. This compo
und shows a slight triclinic distortion from the prototype doubled cubic pe
rovskite cell as a result of an a(-)a(-)c(+)-type oxygen octahedral tilting
distortion. It is also shown that the site ordering of the different speci
es of B-site cations, Yb3+ and Nb5+, inherently leads to a difference betwe
en the volumes of the YbO6 and NbO6 octahedra. This volume difference is sh
own to inevitably inhibit the rigid rotation of octahedra.