The International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) was established in 1994 to addr
ess the increase in the worldwide prevalence of obesity. The goals of the I
OTF are to I) raise awareness in the population and among governments that
obesity is a serious medical condition, 2) develop policy recommendations f
or a coherent and effective global approach to the management and preventio
n of obesity, and 3) implement appropriate strategies to manage and prevent
obesity on a population basis worldwide. To assess the global prevalence o
f obesity in children and adolescents, the IOTF convened a workshop on chil
dhood obesity to determine the most appropriate measurement to assess obesi
ty in populations of children and adolescents around the world. At the work
shop, a variety of issues related to this problem were considered-including
the best measure of fatness, the effect of application of a variety of exi
sting standards on the prevalence of obesity in the same population, and th
e role of factors such as visceral adiposity and natural history in the def
inition of obesity. This article and those that follow represent the inform
ation presented at the workshop. The workshop concluded that the body mass
index (BMI; in kg/m(2)) offered a reasonable measure with which to assess f
atness in children and adolescents and that the standards used to identify
overweight and obesity in children and adolescents should agree with the st
andards used to identify grade 1 and grade 2 overweight (BMI of 25 and 30,
respectively) in adults.