Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether lack of aware
ness of motor dysfunction and lack of insight into mental dysfunction are r
elated and to evaluate the longitudinal stability of lack of awareness of a
bnormal movements in schizophrenia. Method: Forty-three patients with schiz
ophrenia and tardive dyskinesia participated in the study. The Scale of Una
wareness of Mental Disorder was used to assess insight. All patients still
meeting inclusion criteria after 2 years (N=16) were reevaluated at follow-
up. Results: Twenty (46.5%) of the 43 patients had at least moderate unawar
eness of their tardive dyskinesia. Awareness of tardive dyskinesia was only
modestly related to two of the five dimensions of insight into mental diso
rder assessed. Patients with the deficit syndrome showed significantly less
awareness of their tardive dyskinesia than patients without the deficit sy
ndrome. Lack of awareness of tardive dyskinesia was stable over time. Concl
usions: Lack of awareness of tardive dyskinesia is a common feature in schi
zophrenia and is stable over time. Since patients are often unaware of dysk
inesia, direct clinical examination is required to identify early tardive d