Diffuse X-ray scattering from single crystals of metamict zircon reveals re
sidual crystallinity even at high fluences (up to 7.2 x 10(18) alpha-decay
events/g). The experimental evidence does not suggest that radiation-induce
d amorphization is a "phase transition." The observations are in good agree
ment with a nonconvergent, heterogeneous model of amorphization in which da
mage production is a random process of cascade formation and overlap at inc
reasing fluence.
Instead of an amorphization transition, the existence of a percolation tran
sition is postulated. At the level of radiation damage near the percolation
point, the heterogeneous strain broadening of X-ray diffraction profiles i
s reduced whereas the particle-size broadening increases. Simultaneously, t
he macroscopic swelling of the zircon becomes larger than the maximum expan
sion of the unit-cell parameters. A suitable empirical parameter that chara
cterizes this transition is the flux, D-s, at which the macroscopic expansi
on is identical to the maximum expansion of the crystallographic unit cell.
In zircon, D-s = 3.5 . 10(18) alpha-decay events/g.