Physiological values and interventions in the 24 h before entry to intensiv
e care were collected for admissions from hospital wards. In a 13-month per
iod, there were 79 admissions in 76 patients who had been in hospital for a
t least 24 h and had not undergone surgery within 24 h of admission to inte
nsive care. Thirty-four per cent of patients underwent cardiopulmonary resu
scitation before intensive care admission. Using Acute Physiology and Chron
ic Health Evaluation II scoring to quantify abnormal physiology in the grou
p as a whole, a significant deterioration in respiratory function before ad
mission was found. During the 6-h period immediately before intensive care
admission, 75% of patients received oxygen, 37% underwent arterial blood ga
s sampling, and oxygen saturation was measured in 61% of patients, 63% of w
hom had an oxygen saturation of less than 90%. Overall hospital mortality i
n the study group was 58%. Information collected on the wards identified se
riously ill patients who may have benefited from earlier expert treatment.