Motivation: MELTSIM is a windows-based statistical mechanical program for s
imulating melting curves of DNAs of known sequence and genomic dimensions u
nder different conditions of ionic strength with great accuracy: The progra
m is useful for mapping variations of base compositions of sequences, condu
cting studies of denaturation, establishing appropriate conditions for hybr
idization and renaturation, determinations of sequence complexity, and sequ
ence divergence.
Results: Good agreement is achieved between experimental and calculated mel
ting curves of plasmid bacterial, yeast and human DNAs. Denaturation maps t
hat accompany the calculated curves indicate non-coding regions have a sign
ificantly lower (G+C) composition than coding regions in all species examin
ed. Curves of partially sequenced human DNA suggest the current database ma
y be heavily biased with coding regions, and excluding large (A+T)-rich ele