Leprosy is considered by many as not merely a medical condition, but as a c
ondition encompassing psychological, socioeconomic and spiritual dimensions
that debabilitate an individual progressively, unless properly cared for.
The present study was undertaken to document the nature and extent of decre
ases in the quality of life (QOL) of an affected person. The World Health O
rganization questionnaire on quality of life was given to a representative
random sample of 50 leprosy-affected persons and 50 unaffected individuals
in the Bommasamudram Taluk of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Thi
s questionnaire explores the following six domains: physical, psychological
; level of independence; social relationships; spiritual; and environmental
The mean QOL score of the cases was significantly lower than that of the co
ntrols with the exception of the spiritual domain. The mean total score for
women was higher than that of males in each domain and age group. Males wi
th deformities had a significantly lower score than those with no visible d
eformities. Although the scores for females with deformities were also lowe
r than those without deformities, the differences were not statistically si
gnificant Analyses of economic status versus the QOL scores clearly showed
that they were positively correlated.
The study revealed that quality of life decreased progressively in leprosy-
affected persons. Women bad a better QOL score than men in almost every dom
ain. Given the secondary role of women in Indian rural society, this may si
mply imply an acceptance of their situation. The findings are discussed in
comparison with other diseases and in the context of a poor socioeconomic e
nvironment. With modern amenities, better education and higher expectations
, the perception of an individual regarding his or her own quality of life
is bound to change. The need for frequent assessments and further studies a
long these lines is emphasized.