Many heritable disorders of the skeleton are transmitted as autosomal
recessive (AR) traits. During the past two decades, family studies hav
e been undertaken in conditions of this type in order to detect any st
ructural manifestations in obligate and potential heterozygotes. The p
ositive findings that emerge from this long-term investigation are rep
orted. In numerous other AR skeletal disorders family investigations f
ailed to reveal any significant abnormalities in relatives of affected
persons. A review of the literature elicited additional examples of h
eterozygote manifestation. The skeletal abnormalities in the heterozyg
otes are usually inconsistent and often innocuous, but they have a num
ber of important implications: (a) identification of heterozygotes for
family screening or for genetic counseling; (b) identification of het
erozygotes for conventional and molecular linkage studies; (c) problem
s with pedigree analysis; variable expression of an autosomal dominant
trait versus heterozygous manifestations in an AR disorder; (d) probl
ems with diagnosis, e.g., does a congenital Madelung anomaly always re
present the heterozygous form of Langer mesomelic dysplasia? What prop
ortion of persons with isolated brachydactyly are heterozygotes for Gr
ebe chondrodysplasia? It is likely that close scrutiny of first-degree
relatives of persons with other AR skeletal disorders will reveal exa
mples of heterozygous manifestations.