Background-Chronic graft vascular disease (CGVD) in cardiac allografts has
been defined as a slowly evolving vasculopathy unresponsive to conventional
immunosuppression. We compared 4 rodent models of CGVD to evaluate the rep
roducibility of CGVD in heart allografts. Rapamycin (Rapa) and cyclosporine
(CSA) were then used to treat CGVD,
Methods and Results-Hearts were harvested and placed heterotopically into a
llogenic recipients. CGVD scores of PVG allografts from ACI recipients trea
ted with CSA on days 1 through 10 were significantly elevated on day 90 (n
= 16) compared with other models (immunosuppression used): (1) Lewis to F34
4 recipients (CSA), (2) Brown Norway to Lewis (FK506),and (3) DA to Wistar-
Firth (methylprednisolone, azathioprine, CSA). Although delayed (day 60 to
90) CSA treatment had no effect (n = 6), delayed Rapa (3 IP
) reversed CGVD in PVG grafts (0.22 +/- 0.19 on day 90, n = 6). ACI isograf
ts showed no evidence of CGVD (n = 6) at day 90. Immunohistochemistry of PV
G grafts revealed perivascular infiltrates consisting of CD4(+) T cells and
limited numbers of macrophages persisting up to day 90. Flow cytometry dem
onstrated increased levels of anti-donor antibody at day 90, which was sign
ificantly inhibited by Rapa treatment.
Conclusions-PVG grafts developed a significant increase in CGVD without evi
dence of ongoing myocardial rejection. This CGVD appeared to be mediated by
both cellular and humoral mechanisms, given CD4(+) perivascular infiltrate
s and increased levels of anti-donor antibody. The anti-CGVD effectiveness
of Rapa during a period in which there was little myocardial cellular infil
trate supports a novel mechanism of effect such as smooth muscle or B-cell