Endemic non-toxic goiter (NTG) in Greece has been attributed primarily to i
odine deficiency. Thirty years ago about 60% of the prepubertal boys and gi
rls examined in endemic goiter regions presented with NTG and among them th
yroid autoimmunity was rarely detected. Although iodine supplementation has
corrected this deficiency during the past 30 years, new cases of NTG still
appear. To evaluate the prevalence and type of NTG and the effect of iodin
e supplementation on them in Greece at present, we performed two cross-sect
ional clinical studies and a retrospective pathology one: (i) thyroid gland
volume and urinary iodine excretion (UIE) were assessed in a representativ
e sample of 1213 schoolchildren from previously endemic and non-endemic reg
ions; (ii) serum thyroxine, tri-iodothyronine, TSH, thyroid autoantibodies
(AAB) (anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies) and UIE (
in 60 patients) were measured in 300 consecutive patients with NTG from Ath
ens and Heraklion; and (iii) we compared the prevalence of autoimmunity amo
ng fine needle aspiration smears of benign thyroid pathologies performed by
the same pathologist between 1985 and 1986 (975 cases) and between 1994 an
d 1995 (2702 cases). We found that 12.5% of the schoolchildren examined in
regions with a previous history of endemic goiter had NTG, whereas this per
centage was only 1.7% in areas without such a history. In Athens (61.6%) an
d Heraklion (58.5%) a substantial number of NTG patients were AAB positive
and biochemically hypothyroid. UIE in Athens did not differ between patient
s with autoimmune goiter (ATG) and simple goiter. The prevalence of autoimm
une stigmata in pathology smears has increased from 5.94% (years 1985-1986)
to 13.91% (years 1994-1995) (P<0.05). We conclude that: (ii the persistenc
e of endemic goiter in regional foci despite iodine deficiency correction s
uggests a possible Pole for a naturally occurring goitrogen: (iii) ATG is t
he predominant form of NTG in Greece nowadays: and (iii) the Eve-fold decre
ase in the prevalence of NTG during the past 30 years followed by the incre
ase of ATG map support the relative character of the latter.