We examine the relation between the current sheet as derived from observati
ons of the Sun's neutral line, and recurrent particle increases associated
with co-rotating interactions regions (CIR) at 4 to 5 AU radial distance as
observed by the Ulysses spacecraft during its first out-of-ecliptic orbit
around the Sun. We compare observations during the ascent to high southern
latitudes, close to solar maximum, with observations during the return to t
he ecliptic from high northern latitudes, close to solar minimum, when the
spacecraft was passing from the streamer belt to high-speed solar wind flow
or vice-versa every solar rotation, and when regular recurrent particle in
creases were observed. Although conditions are very different, we show that
the position of the Sun's neutral line, propagated out to the position of
the spacecraft, can be used to explain the recurrence of the particle incre
ases observed at 4-5 AU at Ulysses.