Measurements of the C-13/C-12, D/H and C-14 composition Of atmospheric meth
ane (CH4) between 1988 and 1995 are presented. The C-13/C-12 measurements r
epresent the first global data set with time series records presented for P
oint Barrow, Alaska (71 degrees N), Olympic Peninsula, Washington (48 degre
es N), Mauna Loa, Hawaii (20 degrees N), American Samoa (14 degrees S), Cap
e Grim, Australia (41 degrees S), and Baring Head, New Zealand (41 degrees
S). North-south trends of the C-13/C-12 and D/H of atmospheric CH4 from air
samples collected during oceanographic research cruises in the Pacific Oce
an are also presented. The mean annual delta(13)C increased southward from
about -47.7 parts per thousand at 71 degrees N to -47.2 parts per thousand
at 41 degrees S. The amplitude of the seasonal cycle in delta(13)C ranged f
rom about 0.4 parts per thousand at 71 degrees N to 0.1 parts per thousand
at 14 degrees S. The seasonal delta(13)C cycle at sites in tropical latitud
es could be explained by CH4 loss via reaction with OH radical, whereas at
temperate and polar latitudes in the northern hemisphere seasonal changes i
n the delta(13)C Of th, CH4 source were needed to explain the seasonal cycl
e. The higher delta(13)C value in the southern (-47.2 parts per thousand) v
ersus northern (-47.4 parts per thousand) hemisphere was a result of interh
emispheric transport of CH4. A slight interannual delta(13)C increase of 0.
02+/-0.005 parts per thousand yr(-1) was measured at all sites between 1990
and 1995. The mean delta D of atmospheric CH4 was -86+/-3 parts per thousa
nd between 1989 and 1995 with a 10 parts per thousand depletion in the nort
hern versus southern hemisphere. The C-14 content of CH4 measured at 48 deg
rees N increased from 122 to 128 percent modern between 1987 and 1995. The
proportion of CH4 released from fossil sources was 18+/-9% in the early 199
0s as derived from the C-14 content of CH4.