The inhibition of locomotion by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian
hamsters. When 1-h pulses of light were presented in the early night, activ
ity was strongly suppressed by irradiances of about 1 1x or greater. Ultrad
ian light-dark cycles were used as another way to study masking. Hamsters w
ere unable to entrain to 3.5:3.5-h light-dark cycles, thus permitting the m
asking and the entraining effects of light to be distinguished. Light had g
reater suppressive effects on activity in home cages than on activity in no
vel running wheels. Moreover, in home cages activity remained very low for
about 30 min after lights were turned off. Post-pulse suppression of activi
ty was not simply a consequence of reduced running, as shown by experiments
in which running was temporarily prevented by locking the wheels. A phase
response curve for masking was obtained by placing hamsters in novel wheels
for 3-h periods at various times throughout their circadian cycles, and th
en superimposing a 30-min light pulse. The suppressive effect of light was
maximal around the onset of activity, which normally coincides with dusk in
hamsters. This may have adaptive value in limiting foraging to the hours o
f darkness.