Inhibition of wheel running by light (masking) was investigated in Syrian h
amsters with suprachiasmatic nucleus or sham lesions. Approximately 90% of
the wheel revolutions made by hamsters with complete suprachiasmatic nucleu
s lesions, as judged by histology and power spectrum analysis of their whee
l running, occurred during the dark phases of an ultradian light-dark cycle
(3.5 h light, 3.5 h dark). This was demonstrated for two illumination leve
ls (380 1x and 6 1x). Similar results were obtained with sham-operated anim
als. In further tests, the hamsters with lesions also retained a strong pre
ference for the dark side of a box divided into dark and light sides. These
results demonstrate that the suprachiasmatic nucleus is not necessary for
masking by light or the preference for a dark over a light compartment. Evi
dently the direct effects of light can substitute for the endogenous contro
l by the suprachiasmatic nucleus to maintain appropriate behaviour in time
and space.