Flavins are thought to be important chromophores for chronic photo-induced
skin injury, but the mechanism is not well known. We have reported that the
primary cytotoxicity remaining in ultraviolet A-irradiated riboflavin solu
tion is attributable to hydrogen peroxide. Because the dermis is more hypox
ic than the atmosphere, we investigated the cytotoxicity of riboflavin solu
tion during and after ultraviolet A irradiation under hypoxia. Riboflavin s
olution showed stronger cytotoxicity during irradiation under hypoxia than
under air. Riboflavin solution that had been irradiated under hypoxia at lo
wer ultraviolet A doses showed stronger cytotoxicity and contained more hyd
rogen peroxide than solution irradiated under air at the same doses. At hig
her ultraviolet A doses, however, the cytotoxicity and hydrogen peroxide qu
antity were similar in riboflavin solutions irradiated under different oxyg
en conditions. The effect of a singlet oxygen quencher, sodium azide, on th
e induction of cytotoxicity and production of hydrogen peroxide by ultravio
let A irradiation of riboflavin solution was examined. The presence of sodi
um azide in the solution during ultraviolet A irradiation suppressed the cy
totoxicity and hydrogen peroxide production to similar levels at various ul
traviolet A doses regardless of oxygen conditions. At the maximum suppressi
on by sodium azide, hydrogen peroxide production decreased to 10% of the un
suppressed production. About 40% of the oxygen molecules of hydrogen peroxi
de produced was thought to be derived from oxygen dissolved in the riboflav
in solution.