Programmed cell death (apoptosis) occurs regularly during normal growth and
development of the mammary gland. One of the most dramatic examples of apo
ptosis is evident during the remodeling of the breast that accompanies post
lactational involution. Transgenic mouse models have demonstrated that over
expression of polypeptides such as transforming growth factor cw (TGF alpha
)(3) and insulin like growth factor I(IGF-I) can block this remodeling, sug
gesting that these growth factors may be acting as survival factors for the
mammary epithelium. In contrast, transgenic mice that overexpress the grow
th inhibitor transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) show increased apop
tosis in the mammary epithelium throughout mammary development, suggestive
of a mechanism working to counterbalance the survival factors. Experiments
with mammary epithelial cell lines cultured in vitro have confirmed that th
ese growth factors can indeed regulate apoptosis and survival in mammary ep
ithelial cells; EGF, IGF-I, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) act a
s survival factors for mammary epithelial cells, while TGF-beta induces the
ir death. In breast cancer, cytotoxic drugs and hormone ablation increase t
he expression of TGF-beta, which may function to induce cell death by eithe
r paracrine or autocrine mechanisms. Lastly, although it has very limited e
xpression in the breast, TNF alpha has been shown to be effective in the ra
pid, direct induction of cell death in breast cancer cell lines. Together,
these studies describe st complex dynamic pattern of cell death-inducing an
d survival factors that promote the development of the mature mammary gland
and that rapidly remodel the tissue after lactation.