Bitumens exposed to atmospheric conditions undergo various types of weather
ing including evaporation, biodegradation, abiotic oxidation, and water was
hing. Sulfur present in bitumens is a good marker of oxidation processes as
it is very sensitive to oxidation and exhibits a range of oxidation states
from -2 to +6. Sulfur K- and Ledge XANES spectroscopy were applied to the
asphaltene extracts of a series of recent geological and archeological bitu
mens from the Middle East. In all the samples, dibenzothiophene is the majo
r sulfur moiety. In the least altered asphaltene, minor species include dis
ulfide, alkyl sulfide and sulfoxide. The proportion of oxidized sulfur (sul
foxide, sulfone, sulfonate and sulfate) increases with the alteration of th
e samples, whereas the disulfide and alkyl sulfide content decreases. This
work illustrates the interest of XANES spectroscopy as a selective probe fo
r determining sulfur speciation in natural samples, and the complementarity
of S K- and L- edge for identifying the oxidized and reduced forms of sulf
ur respectively.