Near-surface wind spectra are considered from three very different data sou
rces, covering a range of spatial scales from 10(0) to 10(3) km. The data w
ere observed during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmo
sphere Response Experiment intensive observation period spanning November 1
992 to February 1993. Spectra are examined from low-resolution yet spatiall
y and temporally complete National Centers for Environmental Prediction rea
nalysis wind fields, moderate resolution satellite-based ERS-1 scatteromete
r winds, and high-resolution aircraft observations from the National Center
for Atmospheric Research Electra. Combined spectra (kinetic energy vs wave
number k) from these data demonstrate a power-law relation over the entire
range in spatial scales, with a best-fit slope very near k(-5/3). Energy sp
ectra for subsets of the dam support spectral slopes of k(-5/3) and k(-2),
but there is little evidence for a slope of k(-3).