Ar. Biknevicius, Body mass estimation in armoured mammals: cautions and encouragements for the use of parameters from the appendicular skeleton, J ZOOL, 248, 1999, pp. 179-187
This study explores the relationship between body mass and femoral construc
tion in armoured (dasypodids and manids) and unarmoured (caviomorph rodents
) mammals.:Predictive equations based on diaphyseal cross-sectional paramet
ers provided the most accurate estimates of body mass in caviomorph rodents
and dasypodids. When these equations are applied to the estimation of body
mass in manids, relatively low predictive errors (<20%) are found only whe
n caviomorph equations derived with diaphyseal cross-sectional area or mome
nts of area are used. Dasypodid equations generally yield less accurate est
imates for manids, so that armouring of the integument alone poorly discrim
inates femoral types. Other factors with potential to differentially impact
femoral construction are also considered: although locomotor speed strongl
y influences mass-structure relationships within caviomorph rodents, the co
nfounding influence of locomotor posture, fossoriality, and arboreality ren
der these relationships less predictable across all three groups considered
here. Limb structure and, hence, scaling patterns of each phylogenetic gro
up are influenced by a unique mosaic of factors that is difficult to summar
ize quantitatively. The results of the study provide cautions as well as en
couragements for the estimation of body mass for fossil species that have n
o adaptively similar living relatives.